Aleksey Nemiro's curriculum vitae is a file storage system.

The project consisted of several parts:

SQL Server DBMS was used to store metadata.

The system worked as follows:

  1. Client requests an available file server.
  2. Client uploads the file to an available server.

The files were located on the file system.

Each server could have a certain number of top-level folders for storing files.

Each folder could store a certain number of files.

The maximum number of folders and files could be configured.

The file system may have restrictions on the number of objects. Previously, I solved this problem by creating a large nest of folders. But in this project I decided to keep it simple and used only two levels (server / folder).

I had a hundred servers. Although physically it was one server. If the need arose, the storage could easily be divided into many physical servers without disrupting the system.

I have used this file-hosting service in all my own projects.

The project was quite flexible, I also used this solution in work tasks under other brands.

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